Rainbow Snippets



Weekends means Rainbow Snippets-time here on the blog, since I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. According to their description, “it’s a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction—a WIP or a finished work of even 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).”

Don’t forget to like my page on Facebook or follow me on Twitter. I’d also be happy to become friends on Facebook if you’d like 😁


I’m continuing the snippeting from my third Christmas story, called Unexpected Christmas, and today is release day. YAAAAAAAY, happy release day to me!!

Here are the previous snippets if you need to catch up: 1 | 2

It was far closer than the town, but I didn’t want to face my idiot Uncle Bob again, or any of the others that had just turned their heads away as he spewed his hatred on me while the radio played jolly Christmas songs in the background. I didn’t know what made me angrier: his hateful words, or my cousins’ feeble avoidance. I’d expected more from them.

Mom had avoided confrontation as usual, but I hadn’t expected anything else. We’d argued about it lots of times, but she didn’t have it in her. Once, I’d even watched her throw up when she’d tried standing up for us, and I didn’t pressure her about it anymore.


Unexpected Christmas by Nell IrisAll alone, caught in a blizzard—without a coat—on Christmas Day. Would you accept a ride from a huge guy looking like a serial killer?

Daniel Erickson stormed out of his family celebration after choking on his turkey served with a side of bigotry. Utterly miserable, he reluctantly lets himself be charmed by the hulk of a man and gets into his car…hoping he won’t be ax murdered.

Axel Wilson—Ax for short, unfortunately—is a sweetheart. Really. He may be badass-looking but his heart melts into goo at the mere mention of his four-year-old niece. Surely, he’s not dangerous?

Thrown together by family drama, they spend the evening getting to know each other. Axel is nothing like Daniel expected. But it doesn’t matter that he loves poetry, is gentle and patient—and hot!—Daniel is absolutely not falling in love at first sight. There’s no such thing.


Order Unexpected Christmas here now! It’s cute and fun and you won’t regret it.