Guestpost, Miscellaneous

More Nell Around the Internet

A few weeks ago, I collected a lot of links to guest posts I’ve written around the internet here in a blog post. (Link if you’ve missed it). Since then, I’ve had more releases and have written more guest posts, so it’s time for another round-up.

The Met in the Park

At Holly Day’s blog, I wrote about how I’ve come to love writing about characters who are 40 and above these days (link to blog post). At Ofelia Gränd’s blog, I wrote about how one of the MCs in They Met in the Park is a bit of a loner (link to blog post). And finally, at my publisher JMS Books’ blog, I wrote about how I’m a huge fan of quiet romances (link to blog post).

JMS Books :: Amazon :: Universal Buy Link

They Met in the Woods

At Holly Day’s blog, I wrote about how foraging for mushrooms in fall is a Swedish national sport and I also give you a recipe for chanterelle toast (link to blog post). At Ofelia Gränd’s blog, I wrote about a new word I’ve learned, cottagecore, and how I’ve been writing cottagecore for years without even knowing it (link to blog post). At JMS Books’ blog, I wrote about how They Met in the Woods probably wouldn’t have been written if it weren’t for my dear friend and sounding board Kris T. Bethke (link to blog post).

JMS Books :: Amazon :: Universal Buy Link


And my final link this time around was when I was visiting A.L. Lester’s blog. She has a new series on her blog, authors writing about their pet peeves, and I was honored to be the first one. I rant about my aversion to shower sex scenes, and you don’t wanna miss it. If nothing else because I spent a looooong time making a graphic for it…since I couldn’t find a “shower sex forbidden” picture anywhere on the internet. Shocking, I know! 🙂 (link to blog post).

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