About Nell

Writers are weird-tag

A couple days ago I watched a video on my friend Amy’s Youtube-channel with a fun writing tag that I thought I’d steal for the blog. I know, I know, it’s a #authortube tag and I have a blog – but I’m a rebel and walk to the beat of my own drum, so I won’t listen to any of your objections 🙂

Here are her answers, and if you don’t already follow her on Youtube, you really, really should.

Moving on. Here are my answers:

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Do you have bizarre internet searches? (if so, what’s the weirdest one?)
OMG, yes! But to be fair, I did long before I ever became a writer. I’m a curious person who doesn’t like unanswered questions so I google everything all the time and always joke about that I sincerely hope no one monitors my google searches. But maybe the weirdest one related to my writing was on glory hole etiquette. And yes, there is such a thing. 😉

Do you write people you know and dislike into your story as villains or dumb people to kill off?
Nah. But I don’t kill off people, so maybe that’s why. And my stories doesn’t contain a lot of villains either. But if they did, I would probably just pick a specific trait from the person I dislike and give it to the villain; I wouldn’t copy them entirely.

Does personal hygiene sometimes come second to writing?
No. I have eczema and not taking care of my skin is really, really bad, so it’s a health thing for me. But we’re talking a shower and moisturizing because I don’t use makeup and don’t particularly care about fashion, so it only takes me a few minutes to get ready. Besides, showers are nice. Why wouldn’t you wanna shower? 🙂

Do you go on baby name websites to help you name your characters?
Of course. Doesn’t everyone? 🙂

Do you have a list of actors and actresses that would play your characters if there was an adaptation made?
Nope. Probably because I hardly ever watch movies or TV-shows (it’s boring! I prefer reading!) I can’t say that I dream about having any of my books made into a movie, I don’t see what all the fuss are about. I’d love to become a bestselling author one day, but seeing my work on the silver screen? Nah, not important.

Have you ever stared at a stranger because they look like one of your characters?
No. But I’ve stared at a stranger because they’ve done something that fascinates me or said something that I want to remember and use in a story.

Do you talk to yourself to help work through scenes? (if so, where do you talk to yourself?)
Hmmm, I don’t think so, which is unexpected because I usually talk to myself a lot. Instead, I tend to stare unseeingly into space while I mull stuff over in my head.

While writing, do you make the expressions your characters are making?
No. But I often enact the physical stuff they’re doing to see if it’s possible (I’m not talking about sex! Mind out of the gutter, people!) More like “can he reach to put his hand there” or “how would I break free if someone had me pinned to a door”…stuff like that.

Do you ever practice answering interview questions in case you “make it big?”
Lol, no. And I don’t practice writing award show acceptance speeches either 🙂

Do you have a soundtrack and/or playlists for your book or scenes from your book?
Yes! Music is very important to me and all my books have playlists that have influenced them one way or another. I don’t listen to the songs in these playlists when I’m writing (I need instrumental music for that, lyrics distract me from my writing), but I listen to them before I start writing, or when I need to be inspired, or work through a scene.

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That’s it. So what do you think? Sufficiently weird for you? 🙂

5 thoughts on “Writers are weird-tag”

  1. I love this list of questions. I might have to swipe a few of them for the interview question options I give to authors on promo tours. 😉

    Love this insight into who you are. That whole google search thing could be a blog post on its own, right!? LOL

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