Read Around the Rainbow Web Ring

Read Around the Rainbow: Favorite Halloween/Creepy Story

Read Around the Rainbow is a blogging project featuring yours truly, A.L. Lester, Ofelia Gränd, Holly Day, K.L. Noone, Amy Spector, Addison Albright, Fiona Glass, Lilian Francis, and Ellie Thomas. Every month, we pick a topic and then we blog about it. Check the other blog posts by clicking the RAtR widget in the sidebar, or the links at the bottom of this post.

The RAtR topic for October is What is your favorite Halloween-themed or creepy /spooky story?

I wasn’t going to write a post for this topic, because to me, Halloween is meh. I’m Swedish, we generally don’t do Halloween, and I’m not someone who loves spooky or creepy. I read horror when I was younger. Horror, grisly murders, vampires, you name it, I read it. But I’ve always been easily spooked, and it gets worse the older I get. I’ve seen the movie Alien many, many times, but the first face-hugger encounter (link if you don’t know what I’m talking about) still scares the shit out of me even though I know exactly what’s going to happen. And since I don’t enjoy being spooked or scared, I’ve gravitated away from those kinds of stories, and can’t really say I have a favorite creepy/spooky story.

So I was going to skip this topic and leave the spook to my fellow RatR authors (I especially expect Amy to excel at this topic), but this morning I got a picture that inspired this post. The most adorable picture of my beloved grandbaby dressed as a crocodile (or as she puts it: “crocobile”) for a Halloween party at pre-school today. So I thought Maybe I can do cute Halloween? I thought Maybe I’m not the only one easily spooked?

So. Welcome to Nell’s non-spooky, fluffy Halloween Read Around the Rainbow post. Let’s start with the crocobile that inspired it all, shall we? 😍

The next question is: are there any books worthy enough to be in the presence of such cuteness? The criteria is that it has to be cute and Halloween adjacent, so any kind of supernatural being.

And I’ve read two stories that fit the bill.

Until Forever Comes :: The Ghost on My Couch

I’ve read and loved a lot of Cardeno C. books, and Until Forever Comes is perfect for Cute Halloween. It’s a story about a wolf shifter (counts as werewolf, right?) who can’t shift, who meets and is instantly attracted to a vampire. Vampires and wolf shifters don’t get along and they shouldn’t like each other, but they do. The vampire is old and the leader and is actually quite scary, but not when it comes to the wolf shifter; in his presence, the vampire transforms into a gooey cinnamon roll, and it’s instant attraction and mates and what else do you need for Cute Halloween? 🙂

The Ghost on My Couch is a ghost story…Or, well. There’s a ghost in the story, but it’s not a ghost story, there’s a significant difference between the two. The story is about nurse Alex who one day comes home to a ghost on his couch. A ghost wearing PJs and bunny slippers. Do I really need to tell you anything else about this book? A ghost! In bunny slippers! The cuteness factor is maybe not crocobile high, but pretty darned close, wouldn’t you agree? 😁 But if you need more convincing, there’s also a three-legged cat with only one ear and no tail. Oh, and the ghost hides in the fridge whenever he’s overwhelmed.

And that’s it. Two books for Cute Halloween. Read them with a steaming cup of tea, or maybe a syringe of Bloody Mary if you’re feeling extra Halloween-y? 👻

Don’t forget to check out my fellow RatR authors who have all probably been much more faithful to the Halloween/spookiness that I’ve been. Like I said before, my money’s on Amy, but I’m sure they’ll all have some interesting recommendations.

K.L. Noone :: Amy Spector :: Ellie Thomas :: A.L. Lester :: Holly Day

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