Rainbow Snippets



Weekends means Rainbow Snippets-time here on the blog, since I’ve joined the Rainbow Snippets group on Facebook. According to their description, “it’s a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction—a WIP or a finished work of even 6-sentence book recommendation (no spoilers please!).”


Today is one week until the release of Cinnamon Eyes, and I’m excited. Excited and anxious. Letting the public meet Cory and Asher is nerve racking. A little like setting your child free and encouraging them to get out in the world. You want nothing more than for them to succeed, but are terrified that they’ll crash and burn.

So that’s my emotional state this Saturday 🙂

This week’s snippet picks up where we left off last week. (Click here if you need a reminder.)


His voice rasped along my body, making me quiver all the way to my toes. I dragged my gaze upwards, knowing I stared shamelessly, but unable to stop.

“Cory,” he said again, took a step closer, and grabbed my chin between his fingers. Nudged it upward, forced me to look him in the eyes.

I tried to avert my gaze, afraid of my reaction if I looked directly at him.

“Cory,” he whispered a third time. “Look at me.”

My lips trembled, but I did as he asked.



Pre-order link: Cinnamon Eyes


You can find me on FacebookTwitter, or Goodreads. Feel free to stop by and say Hi! I love new friends!

I’ve also gotten a Facebook profile for my pen name, so if you feel like it, I would love to be your friend 🙂

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